When we founded Green Box, we had two purposes in mind; first, to supply and deliver a variety of premium local cannabis products right to your front door. The second, to make a positive impact in our community here in Portland. We’ve decided that one way to make a huge difference, is by playing a small role and doing our part in helping the lives of those who have dealt with intimate partner violence. You have the very same chance to make the same impact by donating to Raphael House of Portland!
Raphael House of Portland is a all-purpose domestic violence agency devoted to putting an end to intimate partner violence for good. They serve families and individuals of all backgrounds, cultures, ages, and sexual orientations.
To make a donation to Raphael House of Portland, Please LIKE our Facebook page, SHARE this post via Facebook & please spread the word…it just takes a few seconds for you to make a world of difference. For every LIKE on our page, Green Box will make a $1 donation.