A message from Green Box on COVID-19
In the wake of the growing public health crisis caused by the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), it’s now more important than ever to take precautionary steps to limit the spread of contagion and reduce the risks of exposure to ourselves and our communities. We all must be proactive in our efforts to stay healthy and avoid the ways in which we come into contact with potential vectors of disease transmission in our daily lives.
Green Box plans to continue delivery services until advised it is unsafe to do so.
We have put into place new policies and procedures to ensure the safety of our team and our customers.
- If any of our employees or anyone in their family is sick, they are required to get checked by a medical professional.
- Employees must wear gloves while preparing orders.
- Drivers are prohibited from shaking hands
- Drivers must sanitize hands, before and after completion of deliveries.
- Clean off cellphones phones after every delivery
- Drivers must keep as much distance as possible from other people
- Not touching or exchanging IDs or credit cards during transactions
- If we can complete payments digitally, (Venmo, Cashapp, Apple-Pay) that would be much preferred.
- If payments must be made using cash, we will thoroughly disinfect all money received.
We understand the severity of this situation, and our team is working as hard as possible to ensure that we continue to deliver safe products for all of our customers. If you have any concerns or follow-up questions regarding this information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly. We thank you for your continued support during this difficult time.